Monday, April 12, 2010

Greece, Croatia, Venice, Home...

Ok, The last 4 days have been a bit of a whirlwind. At the end of the last post we had spent the day at sea....

The following day we ported at Corfu in Greece. We jumped a bus with our tour director and headed up the side of a mountain to Paliokastritza.... not sure on that spelling. The bus ride up the mountain was nothing short of amazing... both in the views, and the fact that we all lived! The road was barley wide enough for a normal car let alone a tour bus. There were so many switch backs up the mountain no one on the bus could believe that the driver was actually getting through them. Paliokatriza is considered to be the "Capri" of Greece. It was absolutely beautiful. The sun was shinning and it was warm out so that made it even better. While there we visited a monastery where monks still live. It was neat to see a Greek church. The views from the monastery were amazing, and while arriving we had to wait for a donkey to move off the road... pretty comical. From there we went to a village called Lakones were we had a traditional Greek lunch, complete with a guy playing the accordion and another playing this really weird guitar. Kelly and Karlie REALLY enjoyed them... I'm sure for more than there musical capabilities... lol After that we started our journey back down the other side of the mountain, again another crazy drive on a very small windy road. That night we went back to the boat, had a nice relax, grabbed a few drinks and watched Karaoke for a bit, and it the sack.

The next day was Croatia. None of us were really expecting too much from Croatia, mainly because none of us had ever thought to visit there, so we really didn't know too much abut it. This was going to be a fairly short tour as well (only 4 hours as opposed to the 8 and 9 hour tours we had been doing). I'm sue glad we took a tour. We were all quite amazed at how beautiful Croatia is. We ported in a town called Split. We jumped a bus and headed to their ancient part of the city called Salona. There we tour the ruins of the old city. Really neat to see. We got to wander through and old cemetery and allot of the marble caskets had bee dug up so that was cool to see. After an hour there we drove to a town called Trogir. This was one of our favorite stops. What a great little town. It was full of small winding streets and little squares. We had quite a bit of free time on this tour so we walked around just the four of us for a while, and found a small cafe/pizzeria in a tiny square. We decided to stop there for lunch. the guy could speak a lot of English, but he was willing to except Euros (in Croatia there currency is korners) so we stopped for lunch. By far the most AMAZING pizza we had ever had!!! They made everything fresh in house on a thin crust. Not only the pizza was amazing but the experience as well. Beautiful weather, great food good friends... couldn't have had it any better. Following lunch we headed back to the bus and it dropped us off down in the main part of town where the 4 of us wandered around for an hour or so, then jumped on a small boat that took us back to our cruise ship. A short hot tub, then dinner with a really cool going away show done by the waiting staff, watching of the Karaoke finals and a few drinks rounded out the day. We headed back to our rooms to pack, as the next day we would arrive in Venice Italy, and that would be the end of the cruise.

The following morning, we woke up and had breakfast overlooking Venice. It was hazy which made for a cool morning view of the city. After breakfast we proceeded to our meeting spot where we needed to be to get off the boat. Once we were off, we grabbed our bags and hopped in a cab to our hotel, which was by the airport and a little ways out of Venice. They had our room ready so we dropped our stuff off and then got a quick lesson on the bus system from the concierge, and then it was off to grab a bus and head into Venice. After wandering for a half an hour we managed to find the bus stop and get into Venice. From the moment we got off the bus, you knew you were in a special city. It dropped us off in Piazza De Roma, which is the main square coming in to town. The buses can't go any further in to the cty because it's all built on the water. We wader through all the people and over the grand Canal, which was an amazing sight, and then ended up wandering up and down some small streets along some of the canals. Within wandering for about a half an hour we ran into a Gondolier on a small side street. He had just dropped off a couple from a little tour and asked us if we were interested. We said yes, but before we jumped into his Gondola, he showed us this cute little coffee house were we stopped and got a few lattes, then it was into his Gondola, for a very memorable ride through the canals of Venice. What an experience. The Gondoliers name was Christian, and he was really nice. He told us about the city and whistled while he rowed. He even sang a little opera for us at one point... pretty much exactly what you'd expect in a movie or something. We traveled though some very small canals, where on each side of you were building were people had the laundry hanging out there windows and shutters on every window, really neat to see. After an amazing ride and tour of the city he dropped us off not far from Saint Marks Square. After we got lost on a few small streets, we managed to find the Square. It's HUGE! There were so many people there as well. Quite a contrast from just sitting in a Gondola rowing through the streets of Venice, with practically none on around, to a square where thousands of people were. We toured through Saint Marks Basilica. The art work was amazing in this church. Everything was done in a broken glass mosaic. I can't even imagine how long it must have taken to do all of it. After we toured through the church we wandered along the water front and checked out the views, then wandering back into some side streets along the canals, where we did some shopping. The ladies looked in a lot of Mariano glass shops!!! This glass work can really only be found in Italy and is quite amazing. We found a cool little sandwich shop for lunch. After shopping for a bit Kelly and I headed back to the waterfront to take a look at some local artists painting. We ended up buying a beautiful oil painting, can't wait to find a spot to put it. After that we met up with Karlie and Derek again for drinkings along the water. We then wandered some more until we stumbled upon the Rialto Bridge. There was some really cool shops round here so we took out time wandering, and found a great little pizzeria along the canals and stopped for dinner. It was pretty amazing finishing up our European trip sitting along the canal, have pizza and wine with good friends as the sunset on Venice Italy. After dinner it was a bit of a maze getting back to the bus stop. A cool adventure none the less. We stopped for some gelatto along the way. It started to rain a bit and it was getting pretty dark, but it all made for a cool atmosphere. We asked directions a few times and wandered the streets along the canals for quite a while before we found our way back to the bus stop. then it was back to the hotel for some sleep and an early wake up call (4 am) to get to the airport shortly after 5am.

We got to the airport, split ways with Karlie and Derek. They were heading though Vienna, and Frankfurt on their way home. We had one long stop in Amsterdam. We jumped the plane for a quick 1 1/2 hour flight to Amsterdam. We had a 6 hour layover so we explored the airport a bit, and read. Time seemed to go by fairly quickly. then it was onto our 9 hour flight home.... LONG!!!!

And we now back! After waking up at 4am this morning, I thought I should get up and finish up the blog for this trip. No it's time for a shower and off to work. Thanks for reading along with us. I'll try and post some picks here in the next few days, but I will post a bunch of pics on Facebook so feel free to pop by there and check them out.

Arevaderche from us!

The fol

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The last few days (Rome, and Napoli)

Hey All
So the last few days have been action packed.

To start off, the last time I wrote we were all getting ready to head off to a formal dinner. Well I didn't make it past starters before I headed to the room with motion sickness. Kelly followed shorty after... Felt better the next day though.

We spent the third day of our cruise in Rome. Really great city. Our tour included the Trevi fountain, where we were all sure to toss a coin in. The square it's located in was beautiful. Then from there we headed to the famous Colosseum. It was HUGE. It's hard to imagine that the romans built it all without the use of tractors, or cranes. Pretty cool, unfortunately we were very limited in the time we could spend there which was too bad, but we got the just of it. After that it was off to Vatican City to see the Basilica. This was my favorite part. It was really amazing to be in the church that only the pope dose services in. Unfortunately the Sistine chapel was closed because it was the Holiday monday and they close it on holidays. We did get to see the Popes house (from the outside). The basilica was amazing!! HUGE! The biggest church in the world from what I understand. Everything had such amazing detail. We lost our tour group so Kelly and I started headed back to our meeting place and it started to rain which was ok. We headed back to the boat to get ready for a dinner, but neither Kelly nor I were feeling very well, so we made it short and hit the sack.

The next day was probably both our favorites so far. We started in Napoli, where we jumped on a smaller boat to head to the island and town of Capri. The boat ride was so rough and tonnes of people were throwing up... surprisingly, neither Kelly or I got sick... weird. The only word to describe Capri is WOW! There's a reason why only the rich and famous own land here including Leanardo Decaprio. The whole island is only 6km in length, and has such amazing views! Really a beautiful island, and they grown lots of lemons there. The lemons were almost the size of my head! HUGE. We made sure to have some frozen lemonade and it was awesome. The town is very small, but ritzy, filled with high end shops on cobblestone streets (Prada, Gucci, Louis Vutton ect....). After Capri it was a short boat ride to the town of Sorrento, again VERY beautiful. We had an amazing Italian lunch there (cannelloni) and toured the town. Lots of shops and we had awesome sunny weather... the best of the entire trip so far. We also got to see the incredible inlay wood work they do there and how it's done. Quite amazing. After Sorrento, it was a short bus ride to Pompei, which is something I was really looking forward to. I have seen documentaries and have always wanted to see the city that was buried by the Mount Vesuvius explosion over 2000 years ago. It was really quite amazing. That whole city was buried in over 20meters of hot ash (over 700 degrees)in just 2 days. everything was very well preserved. You can just imagine how it must have been. You can still see paintings on the walls in the houses, quite remarkable! And that was how we rounded up our day.

Today was spent aboard the ship at sea. the water has been pretty calm all day, and we've been relaxing reading by the pool. Another formal dinner tonight, and Greece tomorrow.

I'll keep you all posted again later.

Hope things are well back home, ciao for now!
Kelly and Jesse

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hello France

Ok We're aboard th ship now, and internet is pricey so I'll try and keep this quick. Also there's no way of uploading pics so you'll have to wait till we get back I guess.

So the last day in Barcelona was spent touring around by foot. Just wandering the gotic quarter and doing some shopping mainly. Then we popped back to the appartment, grabbed our stuff and hit the metro to a stop close to our port. We hailed a cob from there, and managed to get on the ship about 1 1/2 hrs before we left. The ship we're on is really nice. Kelly was really worried she wouldn't be able to handle the motion, but so far has done pretty well. We both find it's a little like walking while you're drunk... just light on your feet but not bad. So today was our France day!!! It was very fun. We woke early, and jumped on a small boat that took us to a small town that I can't say or spell, just a little ways from Nice. We hopped a tour bus and headed to Nice. Nice is a very pretty city. There's a big market and a nice beach, although the beach is small pebbels and not sand. We wandered the market and a church for a short while, then it was back to the bus on on...

The next stop, a small hillside village called Eze. This was Kelly's favortie stop from here last trip to France, so I was excited to see what she was talking about. It's over 1200 years old, and it's like something out of Lord of the Rings. Small passages around every corner, cobblestone walk ways, and it's at the peak of a mountain. Very cool!!!! Now my favorite place in france as well.. so far. We had lunch in a small cafe there, and we were off to Monaco.

Monaco is very nice. LOTS of money floating around... everyone there is driving a ferarri, bently, or lambo. We'd walked around a bit, and went up to the famous casino in Monty Carlo. It was really nice from the outside; however, when we tried to go in, Derek and I weren't alowd due to the fact we were wearing shorts... It's kind of annoyed us because no one ever told us we couldn't wear shorts on this excursion. Oh well... We alos walked the the PAris Hotel right next door, but called yelled at by a lady in French because we used their washrooms and we're guests... not very nice staff.

After that it was back to the boat. Now we're waiting to go for dinner at 9. Tongiht is a formal dinner, so suits and ties, and cocktail dresses, FANCY!

That's it for now, sorry for lack of detail... cash is dwindeling.

Cheers from the Medateranian on the sea!
K and J

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 3 in Barcelona

Ok, so it's been a very long day, it's 1am so this will be a quick update...

Today was busy!!! We started by grabbing our double decker tour bus and taking a new route this morning. It took s down by where we board our cruise ship and then went by the beach. We got off at the beach for a nice walk and wandered down a little ways. Then caught the bus and drove by the water building (which was huge a cool looking), on our way to the famous sagrada familia. It's HUGE church that was designed by Gaudi and has never been finished. It's in a constant state of construction. Very bug and impressive... Along with the line to get in! The ladies waited in line while Derek and I went over to subway to pick us up some lunch.

The it was off to park Guell, which also had some Gaudi design in it.. Very cool and impressive views of the city from this park, but also PACKED! So many people.

After that ot was off to Tibidabo (a giant amusment park and church located at the top of a mountain). It was a bit of a trick getting here. It's at the top of a mountain. You have to take a bus to the stop then take a trolly up to it, with a long line to get on. Pay 4euros ri get on. You go up to find out it only takes you half way and then it's another 4euro and another trolly to the top. Frustrating and we were all pissed off but we were already half there so we went. The top has a giant church that was very very cool. They had a good Friday service happening. The best part about this stop though was the view. I've never seen such an amazing view!!!

After that was rushed down the mountain, caught the metro and rushed to the other side of the city to catch a gondola up mount monjuic yo see castle monjuic which was free to enter and was really neat to see. It high up and over looks the peir where all the cruise shops dock. Again great views. The castle was actually used as a prison.

After that, it was back in to town where we found a mice Tapas bar and had Tapas and Sangria for dinner... Yummy.

Now were back at the appartment and getting ready for sleep. Sorry for the lack of detailed story telling, just very tired.

Take care and the next time I post, it'll be from sea on our cruise ship!
K & J

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 2 Barcelona

Ok still on the iPhone, sorry... No pics when I post this way.

So, Barcelona = AWESOME!!! This is a crazy cool city. I think the gothic quarter was the coolest, especially at night! Very narrow streets, with tonnes of shops and resturants. Kind of eerie but really neat. Kellys pretty much enjoyed everything so far. She's a big fan if Europe and would probably move here if family wasn't in Canada.

We had a pretty long day today. Woke up, breakfast, and then walked and found a starbucks!! Yay!!! On the way we found a cool market and outside they were having an antique small market (out front the cathedral in the gothic area). Mom I think you would have loved this. Very cool and some really neat cameos. Once starbucks was in hand we bought double decker sightseeing tour tickets. Great way to get around here. We rode to the very cool FC Barcelona football stadium... All I can say is wow... This was a spot Derek and users really looking forward to. It was so cool, and massive. The saddledome except outdoors, fresh cut turf, and holds about 6-7times as many people. We got lots of pics, hoped back in the bus, and searched for lunch. Found a place that we thought was ok but turned out not great. Then we got to see some of barcelonas famous stuff... Buildings designed and built by Gaudi. The best way to describe his stuff is think Tim Burton films... Really unique and kind if dark feeling. We saw La Padrera, and Casa Battlo. Both very neat and we got lots of pics. The roof from la pedrera had a pretty sweet view of the city.

It was gettig later in the day and we took the metro up to castle monjuic which from what we hear has amazing views. We apparently didn't get there in time and it was closed along with the gondola up. So that's a place were planning on hitting tomorrow. We did however find a great parkto wander at sunset (ladies very romantic) that had amazing views of the city! Also we poppe our heads into the Olympic stadium for a few pics as well. Then it was off to dinner. After a short ride on the metro and a small walk we arrived at the square we ate at last night but we decided on an Italian resturant that we had scoped out yesterday. It was fantastic! Food was great, and we had an awesome bottle of wine!

Then we walked back to the appartment, and it's now midnight and were gonna hit the sack.

1 1/2 more days here in Barcelona and onto te cruise portion of the trip. I can't belive we still hav over a week left... So nice!
I'll try and post again tomorrow, hope things are going well in cow town!
Cheers... Or.... Salute from Spain!
K, J, K, and D

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The last few days...

Ok first off... This won't be the best post as I'm posting this from my Iphone after trying a millon passwrds to get onto the neighbours wifi. Secondly yes the tattoo was fake. A cool arm sleeve nylon chris and I saw in a gag store and had to buy.

So we spent our last day in Copenhagen with chris Ina and Quincy touring the city more by foot. There is WAY too much to see in just 4 days. We got up, made breaky, and grabbed a bus and we were off for a latte. Chris and Ina had been telling us about this great coffee place. After our awesome coffee, we went to check out our first castle called Rosenborg castle. Denmark apparently has the oldest monarchy in the world. U have never been in a castle before (Kelly has) so it was a very cool experiance! Lots of rooms all filled with "royal bling". I wish I could post pic from the iPhone but I guess that'll have to wait. After seeing the castle we headed underneath the castle to the vault to see the crown jewels which was VERY impressive!! 3 different crowns all heavly guarded. Also a Huge gun case full of old guns.

After the castle we went for a great lunch followed by more sight seeing. We walked a lot! Man my feet are getting sore. We decides we'd head back tithe house and relax for an hour or so before chris and I headed out to grab dinner. Mie (inas sister) and Jacob were coming over for last night dinner with all of us. We had a huge ordeal finding a Thai place that was open, finally an hour and a half later we made our order and were off to pick it up. On the way we hit an Internet cafe to print our boarding passes. Then... We couldn't find the resturant. It took us forever and we eventually managed to find it an hour and a half later. Needless to say it was 10pm before we finshed dinner. Then we had a teary goodbye with Quincy and Ina. It was our last time to see them and we are gonna miss them so much! We headed back to the apartement to hit the sack. 3:50am we woke up and got ready to head to the airport. Chris picked us up at 4:30, we got to the airport by 5 and then another teary goodbye with chris. These guys really are family to us. Good news though, sounds like we may see them at Christmas!... Sure hope so.

After a 2.5hr plane ride in a very crampped SAS flight we finally made it to Barcelona. Love the weather here! Cooehagen for the most part was sunny, but pretty chilly. Here it's pretty warm... Shorts tomorrow. We met up with our friends Karlie and Derek at the airport and we hoped on an aerobus downtown to placa de catalunya. Beautiful!!! So many people. We walked down many wring streets before finding the office to check in to our appartment. We dropped our bags and went for a great lunch at a brand new resturant down an alleyway we found. Very great food! Lots if seafood, much of it had eyes ect... So it took a bit for Kelly to warm up to some of it. Then we went and found a grocery store to buy some breakfast stuff for the next few days, brought it to the appartment, and hit the Metro system (subway) to explore and find dinner. We explored quite a bit, and finally found a great place to eat. The food was excelent, and the Sangria was even better. Even Kelly was feeling pretty "happy" after

That brings us to now. Kelly and Karlie are sleeping with Derek and I play on our new found wifi network for our iPhones. I will try find an internet cafe to post pics in the next few days but for now... Sorry.

Tomorrow touring and going the see the Barcelona Football (soccer) stadium.

Jesse Kelly Karlie and Derek.

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Few Days in Denmark

Hello All,
So the last few days have been a lot of fun. Yesterday Ina's parents Jena (said yay-na) and Henrik had us all over for an early easter dinner. They live about an hour of Copenhagen in Holbaek, which is where Ina and Chris got married. They have a beautiful home with an incredible view. They live just up from an inlet where the ocean comes inland. We enjoyed some lamb for dinner, some great danish beer and wine, and some awesome conversation. Ina's sisters Mie and Mette were there along with Ina's sister Mie's boyfriend Jacob.

After dinner Chris, Kelly and I went for a walk down the street to the church that Chris and Ina got married in. Luckly it was open so we were able to go inside and see. It was really nice. VERY old, and original. On our way back we walked down by the water and saw some great views, and pet a few really friendly horses. Then we headed back for coffee, chocolate, and visiting. It was great to meet the family and getting to know Ina's side of the family.

The day was topped off with a drive back, making a nice dinner, and then we were beat so we hit the sack.

This morning we woke up and headed to Chris and Ina's for breakfast, and then we grabbed a bus into town for some "walking sight seeing". It was really great to see this city on foot. Lots of people, and exactly what you'd see in movies. Cobblestone streets, colorful buildings, and lots of great little shops. We went up the Round Tower and got to see the cty from up high. Very cool roof tops here, again like the movies. I actually said to chris "I keep thinking a director is going to pop out and say CUT, get those tourists off the set". We had a fantastic lunch in a basement cafe, which was very eclectic. They had GREAT soup, and very cool colorful After lunch Chris and I had booked tattoo sessions so we headed to the tattoo shop. We had made the decision that we'd get some artwork together before we came. We headed in for our session and the ladies wandered off... They came back to get us and we wandered down by the waterfront. It's beautiful here, lot's of old looking buildings.

We just finished dinner and we're going to settle down for a cuddle with Quincy and a relax watching a movie.

That's it for now, we'll catch up later!
Kelly and Jesse ;-)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

We're Here!

After a VERY long day of travel we are finally here in Copenhagen. I have to say... KLM is probably the best airline we've ever flown with. They we're super friendly, and we had a very nice new plane. Each seat had it's own little entertainment center that you could pick your own videos, play video games, and EVEN learn a new language! Kelly and I both learned a little Danish... "Jeg elsker dig" means "I love you"... We learned that. We had a small stop over in the HUGE Amsterdam airport, which was kinda cool. Had a, then jumped on our next flight and we we're on our way to Copenhagen. Our good friend Chris met us at the airport to pick us up. We hadn't seen him in so long, but when we did, we just picked up where we left off. After he dug his VISA out of the garbage (that he accidently threw out while ditching some garbage) we managed to get out of the parking lot and on our way to Chris and Ina's house. On the way we stopped at Dogn Netto (a grocery store) for a little food, and off to the house, where we got to meet Mia (Ina's sister) and our new little nephew Quincy. He's is just the sweetest little baby. So happy all the time and full of smiles. We're so happy for them! Mia has been so gracious and is allowing us to stay at her place which is in the same building as Chris and Ina, just have to go down around the corner, so we're all really close. We had a great nights sleep last night, and then got up this morning, and Kelly and Chris went for a run. Then we went to Chris and Inas for breakfast, and that brings us till now. We're off to Inas parents for an early Easter dinner this afternoon, which we are looking forward to. We are panning on doing a bike tour of Copenhagen tomorrow or Tuesday, and we also have plans of doing a castle tour or 2.

That it's for now, hope everyone is doing well back home
Kelly and Jesse

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Before We Go

Okay, our big Trip is coming up...

In case you didn't know, Kelly and I, along with our friends Karlie and Derek are heading to Europe for 2 weeks, the second of which will be aboard a cruise ship.

Kelly and I leave March 26th at 7:45pm. We're flying to Amsterdam for a quick stop over and then on to Copenhagen, Denmark! There we will be staying with our good friends Chris and Ina, and their new baby boy Quincy. We're looking forward to that as we haven't seen them in a few years, and we haven't met our new little nephew yet.

Karlie and Derek will also be leaving Calgary Friday March 26th as well, but flying to Germany instead. They will be staying with and visiting some of Dereks friends who live in Germany.

On the 31st, we leave Copenhagen and Karlie and Derek leave Germany, and we all fly to Barcelona where we'll all meet up. We have 3 days in Barcelona to explore this city and see the sights, and then we board our Cruise ship on April the 3rd. We start in Barcelona, then travel to Nice France, Rome Italy, Naples Italy, Corfu Greece, Split Croatia, and then we end up in Venice Italy. We have a new port pretty much everyday and will be exploring quite a bit of "Mediterranean" Europe in a very little amount of time...

Keep checking back here, and we'll do our best to keep you up to date on our trip with stories and pics.

See you all soon!
Kelly and Jesse... along with Karlie and Derek