Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 3 in Barcelona

Ok, so it's been a very long day, it's 1am so this will be a quick update...

Today was busy!!! We started by grabbing our double decker tour bus and taking a new route this morning. It took s down by where we board our cruise ship and then went by the beach. We got off at the beach for a nice walk and wandered down a little ways. Then caught the bus and drove by the water building (which was huge a cool looking), on our way to the famous sagrada familia. It's HUGE church that was designed by Gaudi and has never been finished. It's in a constant state of construction. Very bug and impressive... Along with the line to get in! The ladies waited in line while Derek and I went over to subway to pick us up some lunch.

The it was off to park Guell, which also had some Gaudi design in it.. Very cool and impressive views of the city from this park, but also PACKED! So many people.

After that ot was off to Tibidabo (a giant amusment park and church located at the top of a mountain). It was a bit of a trick getting here. It's at the top of a mountain. You have to take a bus to the stop then take a trolly up to it, with a long line to get on. Pay 4euros ri get on. You go up to find out it only takes you half way and then it's another 4euro and another trolly to the top. Frustrating and we were all pissed off but we were already half there so we went. The top has a giant church that was very very cool. They had a good Friday service happening. The best part about this stop though was the view. I've never seen such an amazing view!!!

After that was rushed down the mountain, caught the metro and rushed to the other side of the city to catch a gondola up mount monjuic yo see castle monjuic which was free to enter and was really neat to see. It high up and over looks the peir where all the cruise shops dock. Again great views. The castle was actually used as a prison.

After that, it was back in to town where we found a mice Tapas bar and had Tapas and Sangria for dinner... Yummy.

Now were back at the appartment and getting ready for sleep. Sorry for the lack of detailed story telling, just very tired.

Take care and the next time I post, it'll be from sea on our cruise ship!
K & J

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