Monday, March 29, 2010

A Few Days in Denmark

Hello All,
So the last few days have been a lot of fun. Yesterday Ina's parents Jena (said yay-na) and Henrik had us all over for an early easter dinner. They live about an hour of Copenhagen in Holbaek, which is where Ina and Chris got married. They have a beautiful home with an incredible view. They live just up from an inlet where the ocean comes inland. We enjoyed some lamb for dinner, some great danish beer and wine, and some awesome conversation. Ina's sisters Mie and Mette were there along with Ina's sister Mie's boyfriend Jacob.

After dinner Chris, Kelly and I went for a walk down the street to the church that Chris and Ina got married in. Luckly it was open so we were able to go inside and see. It was really nice. VERY old, and original. On our way back we walked down by the water and saw some great views, and pet a few really friendly horses. Then we headed back for coffee, chocolate, and visiting. It was great to meet the family and getting to know Ina's side of the family.

The day was topped off with a drive back, making a nice dinner, and then we were beat so we hit the sack.

This morning we woke up and headed to Chris and Ina's for breakfast, and then we grabbed a bus into town for some "walking sight seeing". It was really great to see this city on foot. Lots of people, and exactly what you'd see in movies. Cobblestone streets, colorful buildings, and lots of great little shops. We went up the Round Tower and got to see the cty from up high. Very cool roof tops here, again like the movies. I actually said to chris "I keep thinking a director is going to pop out and say CUT, get those tourists off the set". We had a fantastic lunch in a basement cafe, which was very eclectic. They had GREAT soup, and very cool colorful After lunch Chris and I had booked tattoo sessions so we headed to the tattoo shop. We had made the decision that we'd get some artwork together before we came. We headed in for our session and the ladies wandered off... They came back to get us and we wandered down by the waterfront. It's beautiful here, lot's of old looking buildings.

We just finished dinner and we're going to settle down for a cuddle with Quincy and a relax watching a movie.

That's it for now, we'll catch up later!
Kelly and Jesse ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Tattoos are totally fake brother! Don't think you can pull the wool over our eyes, how long did Johnny's tat take? Not a couple of hours!! Good to see you guys are having a great time!! Can't wait to keep hearing more.
