Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The last few days (Rome, and Napoli)

Hey All
So the last few days have been action packed.

To start off, the last time I wrote we were all getting ready to head off to a formal dinner. Well I didn't make it past starters before I headed to the room with motion sickness. Kelly followed shorty after... Felt better the next day though.

We spent the third day of our cruise in Rome. Really great city. Our tour included the Trevi fountain, where we were all sure to toss a coin in. The square it's located in was beautiful. Then from there we headed to the famous Colosseum. It was HUGE. It's hard to imagine that the romans built it all without the use of tractors, or cranes. Pretty cool, unfortunately we were very limited in the time we could spend there which was too bad, but we got the just of it. After that it was off to Vatican City to see the Basilica. This was my favorite part. It was really amazing to be in the church that only the pope dose services in. Unfortunately the Sistine chapel was closed because it was the Holiday monday and they close it on holidays. We did get to see the Popes house (from the outside). The basilica was amazing!! HUGE! The biggest church in the world from what I understand. Everything had such amazing detail. We lost our tour group so Kelly and I started headed back to our meeting place and it started to rain which was ok. We headed back to the boat to get ready for a dinner, but neither Kelly nor I were feeling very well, so we made it short and hit the sack.

The next day was probably both our favorites so far. We started in Napoli, where we jumped on a smaller boat to head to the island and town of Capri. The boat ride was so rough and tonnes of people were throwing up... surprisingly, neither Kelly or I got sick... weird. The only word to describe Capri is WOW! There's a reason why only the rich and famous own land here including Leanardo Decaprio. The whole island is only 6km in length, and has such amazing views! Really a beautiful island, and they grown lots of lemons there. The lemons were almost the size of my head! HUGE. We made sure to have some frozen lemonade and it was awesome. The town is very small, but ritzy, filled with high end shops on cobblestone streets (Prada, Gucci, Louis Vutton ect....). After Capri it was a short boat ride to the town of Sorrento, again VERY beautiful. We had an amazing Italian lunch there (cannelloni) and toured the town. Lots of shops and we had awesome sunny weather... the best of the entire trip so far. We also got to see the incredible inlay wood work they do there and how it's done. Quite amazing. After Sorrento, it was a short bus ride to Pompei, which is something I was really looking forward to. I have seen documentaries and have always wanted to see the city that was buried by the Mount Vesuvius explosion over 2000 years ago. It was really quite amazing. That whole city was buried in over 20meters of hot ash (over 700 degrees)in just 2 days. everything was very well preserved. You can just imagine how it must have been. You can still see paintings on the walls in the houses, quite remarkable! And that was how we rounded up our day.

Today was spent aboard the ship at sea. the water has been pretty calm all day, and we've been relaxing reading by the pool. Another formal dinner tonight, and Greece tomorrow.

I'll keep you all posted again later.

Hope things are well back home, ciao for now!
Kelly and Jesse

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