Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 2 Barcelona

Ok still on the iPhone, sorry... No pics when I post this way.

So, Barcelona = AWESOME!!! This is a crazy cool city. I think the gothic quarter was the coolest, especially at night! Very narrow streets, with tonnes of shops and resturants. Kind of eerie but really neat. Kellys pretty much enjoyed everything so far. She's a big fan if Europe and would probably move here if family wasn't in Canada.

We had a pretty long day today. Woke up, breakfast, and then walked and found a starbucks!! Yay!!! On the way we found a cool market and outside they were having an antique small market (out front the cathedral in the gothic area). Mom I think you would have loved this. Very cool and some really neat cameos. Once starbucks was in hand we bought double decker sightseeing tour tickets. Great way to get around here. We rode to the very cool FC Barcelona football stadium... All I can say is wow... This was a spot Derek and users really looking forward to. It was so cool, and massive. The saddledome except outdoors, fresh cut turf, and holds about 6-7times as many people. We got lots of pics, hoped back in the bus, and searched for lunch. Found a place that we thought was ok but turned out not great. Then we got to see some of barcelonas famous stuff... Buildings designed and built by Gaudi. The best way to describe his stuff is think Tim Burton films... Really unique and kind if dark feeling. We saw La Padrera, and Casa Battlo. Both very neat and we got lots of pics. The roof from la pedrera had a pretty sweet view of the city.

It was gettig later in the day and we took the metro up to castle monjuic which from what we hear has amazing views. We apparently didn't get there in time and it was closed along with the gondola up. So that's a place were planning on hitting tomorrow. We did however find a great parkto wander at sunset (ladies very romantic) that had amazing views of the city! Also we poppe our heads into the Olympic stadium for a few pics as well. Then it was off to dinner. After a short ride on the metro and a small walk we arrived at the square we ate at last night but we decided on an Italian resturant that we had scoped out yesterday. It was fantastic! Food was great, and we had an awesome bottle of wine!

Then we walked back to the appartment, and it's now midnight and were gonna hit the sack.

1 1/2 more days here in Barcelona and onto te cruise portion of the trip. I can't belive we still hav over a week left... So nice!
I'll try and post again tomorrow, hope things are going well in cow town!
Cheers... Or.... Salute from Spain!
K, J, K, and D

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys! Sounds like you are having an awesome time!! Check out my pics on my blog when you get a chance and you can see your niece or nephews first photos! Can't wait to hear about your cruise too! Enjoy the rest of Barcelona!
