Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hello France

Ok We're aboard th ship now, and internet is pricey so I'll try and keep this quick. Also there's no way of uploading pics so you'll have to wait till we get back I guess.

So the last day in Barcelona was spent touring around by foot. Just wandering the gotic quarter and doing some shopping mainly. Then we popped back to the appartment, grabbed our stuff and hit the metro to a stop close to our port. We hailed a cob from there, and managed to get on the ship about 1 1/2 hrs before we left. The ship we're on is really nice. Kelly was really worried she wouldn't be able to handle the motion, but so far has done pretty well. We both find it's a little like walking while you're drunk... just light on your feet but not bad. So today was our France day!!! It was very fun. We woke early, and jumped on a small boat that took us to a small town that I can't say or spell, just a little ways from Nice. We hopped a tour bus and headed to Nice. Nice is a very pretty city. There's a big market and a nice beach, although the beach is small pebbels and not sand. We wandered the market and a church for a short while, then it was back to the bus on on...

The next stop, a small hillside village called Eze. This was Kelly's favortie stop from here last trip to France, so I was excited to see what she was talking about. It's over 1200 years old, and it's like something out of Lord of the Rings. Small passages around every corner, cobblestone walk ways, and it's at the peak of a mountain. Very cool!!!! Now my favorite place in france as well.. so far. We had lunch in a small cafe there, and we were off to Monaco.

Monaco is very nice. LOTS of money floating around... everyone there is driving a ferarri, bently, or lambo. We'd walked around a bit, and went up to the famous casino in Monty Carlo. It was really nice from the outside; however, when we tried to go in, Derek and I weren't alowd due to the fact we were wearing shorts... It's kind of annoyed us because no one ever told us we couldn't wear shorts on this excursion. Oh well... We alos walked the the PAris Hotel right next door, but called yelled at by a lady in French because we used their washrooms and we're guests... not very nice staff.

After that it was back to the boat. Now we're waiting to go for dinner at 9. Tongiht is a formal dinner, so suits and ties, and cocktail dresses, FANCY!

That's it for now, sorry for lack of detail... cash is dwindeling.

Cheers from the Medateranian on the sea!
K and J

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys!
    Happy Easter. Thanks for the email Jess, it made my day:) I'm glad that you guys got to see Monaco, I really enjoyed seeing it when Geoff and I went there the very first trip. I'm glad the boat is going well, hopefully you're taking lots of pictures so we can see when you get home. Well, have a great time in Greece and we'll talk soon.
