Sunday, March 28, 2010

We're Here!

After a VERY long day of travel we are finally here in Copenhagen. I have to say... KLM is probably the best airline we've ever flown with. They we're super friendly, and we had a very nice new plane. Each seat had it's own little entertainment center that you could pick your own videos, play video games, and EVEN learn a new language! Kelly and I both learned a little Danish... "Jeg elsker dig" means "I love you"... We learned that. We had a small stop over in the HUGE Amsterdam airport, which was kinda cool. Had a, then jumped on our next flight and we we're on our way to Copenhagen. Our good friend Chris met us at the airport to pick us up. We hadn't seen him in so long, but when we did, we just picked up where we left off. After he dug his VISA out of the garbage (that he accidently threw out while ditching some garbage) we managed to get out of the parking lot and on our way to Chris and Ina's house. On the way we stopped at Dogn Netto (a grocery store) for a little food, and off to the house, where we got to meet Mia (Ina's sister) and our new little nephew Quincy. He's is just the sweetest little baby. So happy all the time and full of smiles. We're so happy for them! Mia has been so gracious and is allowing us to stay at her place which is in the same building as Chris and Ina, just have to go down around the corner, so we're all really close. We had a great nights sleep last night, and then got up this morning, and Kelly and Chris went for a run. Then we went to Chris and Inas for breakfast, and that brings us till now. We're off to Inas parents for an early Easter dinner this afternoon, which we are looking forward to. We are panning on doing a bike tour of Copenhagen tomorrow or Tuesday, and we also have plans of doing a castle tour or 2.

That it's for now, hope everyone is doing well back home
Kelly and Jesse

1 comment:

  1. Soooo jealous that you guys got to hold Quincy first! But also so excited for you! Hope you are getting all your baby holding in Kelly! Post a pic of Chris and Ina too so we can see the doting parents. What is the weather like in Denmark? I would love to go one day....

    PS Krista's baby is due on your birthday Kel!
