Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The last few days...

Ok first off... This won't be the best post as I'm posting this from my Iphone after trying a millon passwrds to get onto the neighbours wifi. Secondly yes the tattoo was fake. A cool arm sleeve nylon chris and I saw in a gag store and had to buy.

So we spent our last day in Copenhagen with chris Ina and Quincy touring the city more by foot. There is WAY too much to see in just 4 days. We got up, made breaky, and grabbed a bus and we were off for a latte. Chris and Ina had been telling us about this great coffee place. After our awesome coffee, we went to check out our first castle called Rosenborg castle. Denmark apparently has the oldest monarchy in the world. U have never been in a castle before (Kelly has) so it was a very cool experiance! Lots of rooms all filled with "royal bling". I wish I could post pic from the iPhone but I guess that'll have to wait. After seeing the castle we headed underneath the castle to the vault to see the crown jewels which was VERY impressive!! 3 different crowns all heavly guarded. Also a Huge gun case full of old guns.

After the castle we went for a great lunch followed by more sight seeing. We walked a lot! Man my feet are getting sore. We decides we'd head back tithe house and relax for an hour or so before chris and I headed out to grab dinner. Mie (inas sister) and Jacob were coming over for last night dinner with all of us. We had a huge ordeal finding a Thai place that was open, finally an hour and a half later we made our order and were off to pick it up. On the way we hit an Internet cafe to print our boarding passes. Then... We couldn't find the resturant. It took us forever and we eventually managed to find it an hour and a half later. Needless to say it was 10pm before we finshed dinner. Then we had a teary goodbye with Quincy and Ina. It was our last time to see them and we are gonna miss them so much! We headed back to the apartement to hit the sack. 3:50am we woke up and got ready to head to the airport. Chris picked us up at 4:30, we got to the airport by 5 and then another teary goodbye with chris. These guys really are family to us. Good news though, sounds like we may see them at Christmas!... Sure hope so.

After a 2.5hr plane ride in a very crampped SAS flight we finally made it to Barcelona. Love the weather here! Cooehagen for the most part was sunny, but pretty chilly. Here it's pretty warm... Shorts tomorrow. We met up with our friends Karlie and Derek at the airport and we hoped on an aerobus downtown to placa de catalunya. Beautiful!!! So many people. We walked down many wring streets before finding the office to check in to our appartment. We dropped our bags and went for a great lunch at a brand new resturant down an alleyway we found. Very great food! Lots if seafood, much of it had eyes ect... So it took a bit for Kelly to warm up to some of it. Then we went and found a grocery store to buy some breakfast stuff for the next few days, brought it to the appartment, and hit the Metro system (subway) to explore and find dinner. We explored quite a bit, and finally found a great place to eat. The food was excelent, and the Sangria was even better. Even Kelly was feeling pretty "happy" after

That brings us to now. Kelly and Karlie are sleeping with Derek and I play on our new found wifi network for our iPhones. I will try find an internet cafe to post pics in the next few days but for now... Sorry.

Tomorrow touring and going the see the Barcelona Football (soccer) stadium.

Jesse Kelly Karlie and Derek.

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Few Days in Denmark

Hello All,
So the last few days have been a lot of fun. Yesterday Ina's parents Jena (said yay-na) and Henrik had us all over for an early easter dinner. They live about an hour of Copenhagen in Holbaek, which is where Ina and Chris got married. They have a beautiful home with an incredible view. They live just up from an inlet where the ocean comes inland. We enjoyed some lamb for dinner, some great danish beer and wine, and some awesome conversation. Ina's sisters Mie and Mette were there along with Ina's sister Mie's boyfriend Jacob.

After dinner Chris, Kelly and I went for a walk down the street to the church that Chris and Ina got married in. Luckly it was open so we were able to go inside and see. It was really nice. VERY old, and original. On our way back we walked down by the water and saw some great views, and pet a few really friendly horses. Then we headed back for coffee, chocolate, and visiting. It was great to meet the family and getting to know Ina's side of the family.

The day was topped off with a drive back, making a nice dinner, and then we were beat so we hit the sack.

This morning we woke up and headed to Chris and Ina's for breakfast, and then we grabbed a bus into town for some "walking sight seeing". It was really great to see this city on foot. Lots of people, and exactly what you'd see in movies. Cobblestone streets, colorful buildings, and lots of great little shops. We went up the Round Tower and got to see the cty from up high. Very cool roof tops here, again like the movies. I actually said to chris "I keep thinking a director is going to pop out and say CUT, get those tourists off the set". We had a fantastic lunch in a basement cafe, which was very eclectic. They had GREAT soup, and very cool colorful After lunch Chris and I had booked tattoo sessions so we headed to the tattoo shop. We had made the decision that we'd get some artwork together before we came. We headed in for our session and the ladies wandered off... They came back to get us and we wandered down by the waterfront. It's beautiful here, lot's of old looking buildings.

We just finished dinner and we're going to settle down for a cuddle with Quincy and a relax watching a movie.

That's it for now, we'll catch up later!
Kelly and Jesse ;-)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

We're Here!

After a VERY long day of travel we are finally here in Copenhagen. I have to say... KLM is probably the best airline we've ever flown with. They we're super friendly, and we had a very nice new plane. Each seat had it's own little entertainment center that you could pick your own videos, play video games, and EVEN learn a new language! Kelly and I both learned a little Danish... "Jeg elsker dig" means "I love you"... We learned that. We had a small stop over in the HUGE Amsterdam airport, which was kinda cool. Had a, then jumped on our next flight and we we're on our way to Copenhagen. Our good friend Chris met us at the airport to pick us up. We hadn't seen him in so long, but when we did, we just picked up where we left off. After he dug his VISA out of the garbage (that he accidently threw out while ditching some garbage) we managed to get out of the parking lot and on our way to Chris and Ina's house. On the way we stopped at Dogn Netto (a grocery store) for a little food, and off to the house, where we got to meet Mia (Ina's sister) and our new little nephew Quincy. He's is just the sweetest little baby. So happy all the time and full of smiles. We're so happy for them! Mia has been so gracious and is allowing us to stay at her place which is in the same building as Chris and Ina, just have to go down around the corner, so we're all really close. We had a great nights sleep last night, and then got up this morning, and Kelly and Chris went for a run. Then we went to Chris and Inas for breakfast, and that brings us till now. We're off to Inas parents for an early Easter dinner this afternoon, which we are looking forward to. We are panning on doing a bike tour of Copenhagen tomorrow or Tuesday, and we also have plans of doing a castle tour or 2.

That it's for now, hope everyone is doing well back home
Kelly and Jesse

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Before We Go

Okay, our big Trip is coming up...

In case you didn't know, Kelly and I, along with our friends Karlie and Derek are heading to Europe for 2 weeks, the second of which will be aboard a cruise ship.

Kelly and I leave March 26th at 7:45pm. We're flying to Amsterdam for a quick stop over and then on to Copenhagen, Denmark! There we will be staying with our good friends Chris and Ina, and their new baby boy Quincy. We're looking forward to that as we haven't seen them in a few years, and we haven't met our new little nephew yet.

Karlie and Derek will also be leaving Calgary Friday March 26th as well, but flying to Germany instead. They will be staying with and visiting some of Dereks friends who live in Germany.

On the 31st, we leave Copenhagen and Karlie and Derek leave Germany, and we all fly to Barcelona where we'll all meet up. We have 3 days in Barcelona to explore this city and see the sights, and then we board our Cruise ship on April the 3rd. We start in Barcelona, then travel to Nice France, Rome Italy, Naples Italy, Corfu Greece, Split Croatia, and then we end up in Venice Italy. We have a new port pretty much everyday and will be exploring quite a bit of "Mediterranean" Europe in a very little amount of time...

Keep checking back here, and we'll do our best to keep you up to date on our trip with stories and pics.

See you all soon!
Kelly and Jesse... along with Karlie and Derek